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What the regional press writes about the Kuckucksdiele...

Gera. After a stroke of fate, the tourist restaurant was sold about a year ago. This is what the owner says about the new start that many have been longing for:
© Funke Medien Thüringen | Peter Michaelis - Die beliebte Ausflugsgaststätte „Kuckucksdiele“ ist seit Herbst 2022 geschlossen. (Archivfoto)
© Funke Medien Thüringen | Peter Michaelis - Die beliebte Ausflugsgaststätte „Kuckucksdiele“ ist seit Herbst 2022 geschlossen. (Archivfoto)
Gera. After a stroke of fate, the tourist restaurant was sold about a year ago. This is what the owner says about the new start that many have been longing for: